Steps to Reduce Mould Formation

Mould can be a major problem in many households across the country. However, it doesn’t have to be inevitable. The steps you take to look after your home can help to prevent mould from developing and spreading. There are obvious health risks that come with living in a home with mould problems. So if you want to avoid those issues, read on and find out how to stop mould from becoming a risk in your family’s home.

Declutter the Home

One thing that lots of people overlook when it comes to the issue of mould in the home is clutter. When your home is full of clutter, you’ll be more likely to face problems with mould. The abundance of stuff in your home reduces airflow, and that makes it far easier for mould to take hold. So yes, you really can help to prevent mould problems in your home by decluttering the space and storing items in a self storage unit.

Move the Furniture

guy moving a green couch with wooden floors

Moving the furniture around is something that can help a lot when you’re trying to prevent mould problems in your home. When you move things around, you give the room chance to breathe and you don’t let things settle too much. When furniture stays in the same position for a long time, and there’s too much stuff in general, it helps to create the perfect breeding ground for mould. That’s why you should be unafraid to move things around regularly.

Air Out the Home

Letting fresh air into the home is another important way to make sure that mould doesn’t become a problem for you. Airing out the home is a pretty simple process and you don’t have to make it complicated. Opening the windows and letting in some fresh air is really all it takes. Of course, beyond that, you might also want to take further steps to ensure the airflow through your home is a little better if you feel that this is a problem area for you right now.

Use a Dehumidifier

If you’re not doing so already, it might also be a pretty good idea to start using a dehumidifier in your home. These are helpful because they extract moisture from the air. So if you’re living in a humid location or you know that there are areas of your home where mould is most likely to become an issue, you can combat the problem by placing a dehumidifier in those spots. They can be bought relatively cheaply and make your home a lot less humid.

Keep the Extractor Fans Clean

Your home’s extractor fans won’t function in the efficient manner you want them to if you’re not taking steps to keep them clean on a regular basis. The fans help to improve airflow in the home, and we’ve already talked about how important that can be when it comes to preventing mould and moisture. If it’s been a long time since you even checked the extractor fans, never mind cleaning them, it’s probably time that you started paying a little more attention to them. It could be all that’s needed to improve the home’s airflow.

Check for Leaks Regularly

Checking for leaks throughout the home on a regular basis is a good idea too. Of course, there are some leaks that you can’t help but notice. But there are also some kinds of leaks that are a little harder to spot if you’re not actively looking for them. So be sure to check for them on a regular basis and make sure that action is taken immediately if you do ever spot a problem in this department. That excess moisture can quickly lead to mould if the problem isn’t addressed at its source.

Clean Your Carpets

Finally, you need to make sure that you’re cleaning your carpets on a regular basis to remove any dirt or moisture from them. The carpet can be a hidden source of mould if you’re not careful, and that’s why regular cleaning matters so much. You might even want to hire professional carpet cleaning companies to carry out a more thorough cleaning once or twice a year.

If you do decide to make the most of the tips above and you want to put some of your items into storage to prevent them from contributing to mould issues in the home, be sure to contact Fairy Meadows Self Storage. We’ll be happy to help you to find the storage solution that works for you.