A holiday is when people seek out all sorts of new things they’ve never done before. This is a time to think about doing things that you’ve always wanted to try but have never had a chance to get done. These destinations are ideal for anyone who is looking for places that will give them incredible lasting memories. They allow you to put your items in Self Storage Wollongong, rent out your private spaces and then head off to a fabulous new destination. You’ll find this is a great way to see the world and think about it in new and useful ways.


people strolling the park in baku azerbaijan

One of the Central Asian republics, Azerbaijan is a place that still straddles many different worlds. You’re going to want to start with a visit to Baku. It’s a brand new capital and yet one that has been inhabited for a long time. The fascinating Old City part of Baku has the UNESCO world heritage stamp of approval. The country’s mountains are another place you won’t soon forget. They have clear blue skies and intense waves of greenery. Bring your walking stick and trot along some of the oldest passages in the world.

Prince Edward Island

prince edward island from an aerial view

Fans know it as the setting for the Anne of Green Gables novels. It’s all that and more. The island has lots to do all year long. If you are visiting during the warmer weather, you will want to head for the regional beaches. They’re often less crowded than beaches in other parts of the world with vistas that seem to stretch for kilometers. This is the place to celebrate Anne of Green Gables culture. Take your favorite red wig with you from Self Storage Wollongong and be part of the crowd at one of many homages such as live plays based on Lucy Maud Montgomery’s magnificent childhood sagas.


people walking around brasov town square romania

This almost hidden corner of Eastern Europe was home to the original Dracula. Today, it’s shaken off the communist past and emerged ready for the contemporary visitor. Take your favorite climbing gear from Self Storage Wollongong and head off to the Carpathian mountains. Stop at Brasov. The tiny town is where you can see Medieval history come alive and walk streets as you marvel at the red roofed homes. The capital city, Bucharest, makes it easy to party late in the night with your favorite wine.


buddha statues lined up together in buddha park laos

Southeast Asia is full of places that are about to explode on to the international stage. Laos is poised to be one of them. You’ll want to be here before everyone else discovers it. This is a place to sit back and sample dishes like sticky rice as you cool off with a cold mango. Papaya salad and freshly caught fish are also on the menu. When you’re done eating, you’ll find a lot of things to do all over the country. Buddha Park is filled with lots of intriguing sculptures that let you take some time to discover this country’s unique culture.